Sad Status

Greetings, Are you looking for Sad Status? Then You’ve Come To The Right Place. We’ve got the best 100 Sad Status in English, which you can read and share on Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

Sad Status

Always feels like is going the wrong way on a one way street

I have played with bad people, so now I like to be alone.

You can’t be strong all the time. Sometimes you just need to be alone and let your tears out.

Sad feeling is mute reminder of what is really important in our life.

I’m sorry I was not good enough. But i tried to be.

Sadly, The only way some people will learn to appreciate you, is by losing you.

A billion feelings, a thousand thoughts, hundreds of memories, all for that one person.

I hate missing someone and not being able to do anything about it.

Two barrels of tears do not heal a bruise.

You will never be happy if you continue to hold on to the things that make you sad.

My love is not like you, that change every day for one person to other!

Why does life keep teaching me lessons that I’ve no desire to learn?

Sometimes it’s easier to pretend that you don’t care than to admit it’s killing you.

No matter how much you hurt me, I’ll always love you.

Eyes talk better than words sometimes.

I can’t bother the people the time who can’t care for me.

People come and go but memories stay forever.

The need for a successful relationship is to fall in love with the same person many times.

Oh I’m sorry, I forgot I only exist when you want something from me.

When you’ve been strong for so long, sometimes you just need time to be alone and let your tears out.

My silence and pain head my sadness.

The hardest part of dreaming about someone you love is having to wake up.

I hate it when i can stop thinking about that one person.

Never let the pain from your past punish your present and paralyze your future.

You think I have changed. Truth is you never really knew the real me.

Everything takes me longer than I expect. It’s the sad truth about life.

I feel crappy inside, like something just broke.

Hating people is just like burning your house just to kill a rat.

It’s weird how the happiest memories drive you to tears.

My silence spoke a thousand words, but you never heard them.

You know it hurts me but you do it anyway.

It’s hard to forget someone, that gives the reason to remember.

I know my silence and my tears will heal my pain one day

The person you care for the most, is the person you’ll let hurt you the most.

I wish I could ignore you as you ignore me.

But they all didn’t see the little bit of sadness in me.

After you have gone from my heart, that vacant space has been rented to sadness!

I don’t have a lot of friends, I know a lot of people.

Memories are the only reason we cant move on.

There is no point in crying, the tears won’t bring you back to me.

Do not judge. You do not know what storm I have walked through.

I know my silence and my tears will heal my pain.

Only loneliness can teach us everything in this world except how to forget the person who made us lonely

Smile and no one will see how broken you are inside.

Never cry for anyone in your life, because those you cry for don’t deserve your tears and those who are deserving will never let you cry.

Sometimes when i say ” i am okay” I want someone Too look me in the eyes Hug me tight and say ” I know you’re not”!!!

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.

His isn’t a Whatsapp Status…this is just to show that no status matches my feelings right now.

Six letters, two words, easy to say, hard to explain, harder to do. MOVE ON.

Invisible TEARS are the hardest to wipe away.

I act like I don’t care, but deep inside, it hurts.

If you left me without a REASON, Do not come back with an Excuse.

I Love You And That Is True, But That Is The Difference Between Me And You. My Love Is Real , To You Its Just Another 3 Words You Say!!!!

Why Is It That The Person That Makes You The Happiest Is The Same Person That Hurts You The Most?

I May Not Be Prefect, But I’m The Best You’ll Ever Have. You’ll Realize It The Day I Stop Coming Back.

The Worst Thing About Falling For Someone Is Thinking They Will Catch You In Their Arms But Instead They Watch You Fall And Hit The Ground… Broken.

My Eyes Are Hurting Cause I Cant See You,, My Arms Are Empty Cause I Cant Hold You,, My Lips Are Cold Cause I Cant Kiss You,, My Heart Is Broken & I Miss You

I try to muster up the courage to not feel defeated, but it is very difficult to deal with this.

I felt a great emptiness without him, I will miss him the rest of my life.

Sometimes It Hurts To Care So Much. You Wonder Why You Bother Yet Continue To Do So. Wish I Could Be Like Others Who Are Able To Easily Stop Caring & Move On.

A Heart Dies, When Its Not Able To Share Its Feelings But A Heart Kills It Self When Another Heart Does Not Understand Its Feeling…!!

Don’t Trust Too Much, Don’t Love Too Much And Don’t Hope Too Much .. Because That Too Much Can Hurt You In The Same Way So Much !

I Walk Around With A Smile On My Face, But Underneath Is The Lonely Tears That Only Come Out At Night After Everyone Goes To Sleep…Praying Things Get Better!

It Hurts To Love Someone And Not Be Loved In Return, But What Hurts More Is To Love Someone, And Never Find The Courage To Let Them Know How You Feel.

I Don’t Believe That Time Heals Everything. Minutes, Hours, Months, And Years Just Give You More Time To Realize What You’re Missing.

Breaking Up Is Just Like Having The Worst Nightmare After Having The Best Dream

When I look you in the eyes for those few seconds,it is like a never ending life with you,but then I look away,because I know we will never be together ever!!!

No one knows what it’s like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes!!!

You Always Get Hurt The Moment You Begin To Care.

The most painful memory.. when I walked away and you let me go.

I feel so far away from the one I wish to hold in my arms.

Its better to be lonely then to be played by wrong people.

Sometimes people have to cry out all their tears, to make room for a heart full of smiles.

The hardest part about loving someone, is watching that person love another person.

The greatest pain that comes from love is loving someone you can never have.

The sad part isn’t that we never talk, its that we used to talk everyday.

I will wait till the day I can forget YOU or the day you realize you can’t forget Me.

I tried to forget you, but the harder I tried, the more I thought about you.

I don’t usually sleep enough, but when I do, it’s still not enough.

A great many people have a soldier’s stomach – everything they eat goes to the front.

It isn’t the bad memories that make you sad, but the best ones that you can’t bring it back.

Sometimes the people that u don’t want to get hurt doesn’t care if they hurt you!

Why be mean to animals when they treat u better then people!!!!

Is having one of those days where they feels like they can’t do anything right.

Going to keep all secrets to myself since some people i can’t trust.

Is finally driven to the point were they finds comfort in lies and shuns the truth.

You aren’t the person I knew back then.

I’m tired of everyone telling me about their special person when I desperately want one of my own.

My two most HATED words..”I PROMISE”..It doesn’t mean $hit to me!

Some nights I burn in the fire of my own thoughts.

I hate the moment when suddenly my anger turns into tears..

One Of The Hardest Things To Do.Is To Delete Old Messages That Once Meant A Lot To You.

Sometimes it’s better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you!

The worst missing is missing your own self which you used to be once upon a time..

I know my silence and my tears will heal my pain one day.

There is no point in crying, the tears wont bring you back to me.

How can I go back to where the smile i had was real.

The deepest people are the ones who’ve been hurt the most.

The have no idea what a bottomless pit of misery I am.

Everybody knows that something’s wrong but nobody knows what’s going on.